Haste Hill Golf Club

Haste Hill Golf Club

Contrary to many sources on the web Harry Colt did not design Haste Hill Golf Club, the course was laid out by the Open Champion of 1902, Alexander ‘Sandy’ Herd.

The Harry Colt designed Rickmansworth & Moor Park are close by. Perhaps this led to the incorrect belief that Colt had also been the architect at Haste Hill.

Established: 1929
Length: 5,736
Par: 68

Family History at Haste Hill Golf Club

My grandfather, George, and father, Ken, were both members at Haste Hill and won a competition there. I know this because I visited with my dad once and he told me he was on the trophy boards.

We popped into the clubhouse but could not see the competition board in question. It turned out that all the “old” club honours boards were stored away. I do not know if this is still the case maybe I should visit again.

The front 9

I have played Haste Hill Golf Club in the days when you didn’t book, you turned up and put your ball in a ball shoot by the first tee. It was common to find golfers sleeping in their cars in the car park, to ensure they could secure a tee slot. It’s a great opening hole, downhill over a ditch to a green surounded by bunkers.

Ken loves the second hole here as he once holed out is blind approach shot to the green for a two! The drive from the tee is up the hill and slightly to the right. Depending on your length off the tee you still might not be able to see the green with your approach shot.

Haste Hill has provided many laughs over the years for me. My good friend Simon once hit a terrible drive on the 4th, it was going to be a lost ball. He hit another and it went in exactly the same place. Annoyed with himself he threw his driver towards his golf bag, took out an iron and knocked his 3rd ball up the fairway.

The group behind approached the tee as Simon was searching the long grass in front of the tee box. One of the group asked “Lost ball?”, Simon’s reply had them in stitches, “No, lost club”. He hadn’t noted where he had thrown his driver and was now trying to locate it. We didn’t think he would use it again anyway.

Haste Hill Golf Club - Hole 6

I think the 6th might be the highest point on the course, you certainly get a great view of the hole in front of you. A good drive here will roll for miles. The tee box is raised to enhance the downhill profile and it provided yet another light hearted moment.

My cousin had just placed his ball on the tee and was pacing backwards to line up his drive. The other three in the group looked down the fairway to help spot where his ball would end up. We were waiting for the sound of club on ball and it seemed to be taking longer than usual.

I looked back at the tee area and there was nobody on it, had my cousin been beamed up by aliens? It turned out that he was not looking where he was walking as he lined up his drive and had toppled off the back of the raised tee.

The ditch that runs in front of the 1st also cuts accross the 18th and 9th fairways. Long hitters need to be aware of this as they could reach it from the 9th tee.

The back 9

The 10th tee is right in front of the clubhouse so the temptation to impress onlookers is high. Many of my drives have sliced into the trees on the right of this hole.

The 11th is just a flick with a wedge but again provided great enjoyment one day when a Simon managed to take a divot that when measured was just over a foot in length!

The 12th always gave us a hard time while we were learning the game. The ditch about 150 yards in front of the tee area would catch any bodged drives. Thre is out of bounds on the left and another ditch in front of the green, quite intimidating for the beginner.

Haste Hill Golf Club - Hole 18

The tree on the right of the 15th just always seemed to be in my way. Amazing really when you consider how wide the fairway is. The 18th is kind of a carbon copy of the 9th. The ditch could be reachable and long hitters may well be able to clear it.

Haste Hill Golf Club is a mature parkland course, ditches cross many fairways and shorter hitters have to think about the carry or roll. I visited many times in my younger days and will have to go back one day.

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